J Guest Limited has assembled a collection of useful items in this toolbox.

Choosing Your Contractor - Practical Checklist on how to select a contractor in the Midlands
J Guest Limited Health and Safety Policy - A copy of our health and safety policy which has been used as a model for many other companies
Application of C. D. M - Illustrating the different duties and responsibilities during a project


To view the above files you will need the Adobe acrobat Reader which can be downloaded by clicking on the icon below:


  Tetris - "Building Blocks"
Have ago yourself at "building" with this on-line game!
How To Play Tetris:

>> To start a new game, click the "New Game" button.
>> To play Tetris, simply use the left and right arrow keys to navigate the block left and right.
>> To turn your blocks, press the up and down arrow keys.
>> When you want the block to automatically drop to the bottom, press space.
Created by Steve Fu
Useful Websites
These are websites we visit and find helpful.

Address searching and street map facilities for the UK

The Land Registry website

Postcodes and addresses online